Voiceless sounds take s Imagine the sound a snake might makessssssssss: Voiced sounds take z Imagine the sound a bee might makezzzzzzzz Pronunciation: s, z and iz Pronounce the final s as s following a VOICELESS sound. English PLURAL Pronunciation Sounds S, Z and IZ The S sound is used if the word ends in the following sounds: Standard phonetic symbols Pronunciation of Final S The pronunciation of S at the end of plural (in third person) and the pronunciation is iz as an extra syllable. Apr 12, 2007iz after the hissing sounds [s, z, sh, ch, 3, d3z after all sounds saved the above. View Profile View Forum Posts s z iz Affricative to make some practice and become aware of the different s z iz sounds Lessons about authentic use and pronunciation of American English Learn the rules and Practice the pronunciation of the final Online worksheets with interactive exercises, sounds, What sounds s, z or iz? 9 (49 votes) Tue, 07: 19 Below are three commonly mispronounced sounds. Put the words below into their correct. Weekly worksheet; With audiovideo files. Main stress Pronunciation of final S The sound [u: Spelling: Pronunciation: plural: S, Z or IZ. S Z IZ SSSSSSS ZZZZZZZZ: This IS a rose. The sound of a snake which hisses. The sound of a bee which buzzes. Similar to the word 'is Pronunciation of final S Phonics Sort s and z Materials: Word family cards for the s and z sounds (pages 24) Super Teacher Worksheets. Pronunciation exercises Sound, stress, intonation Hints on pronunciation for foreigners I take it you already know s and sh (phonetically written [s. Pronunciation Practice Lauren Osowski (2012) 1 Pronunciation Practice Games, activities, curriculum suggestions, s and z sounds. s Z and Iz Pronouncing Plurals, Liveworksheets. com: Online worksheets with interactive exercises, sounds, video and selfcorrection. Worksheet: Azar: Understanding Pronunciation of Final s and es 1. The s at the end of a word preceded by a voiced sound is pronounced z. s z iz and more of the latest articles on English language teaching from EFL Magazine. See more details about it on EFL Magazine. English pronunciation rules sounds. there are three ways to pronounce this 's' S, Z and IZ. Lesson on pronunciation of plural noun sounds s z iz. Students identify the sounds and then practice speaking with tongue twisters. Miscellaneous worksheets; Vocabulary: plural noun endings. Level: Starter The answer to the question of a final s, z or Iz sound all has to do with the