The Imaginarium of Doctor. Plot: Mad To Be Normal tells the story of worldrenowned Scottish psychiatrist RD Laing and his unique community at Kingsley Hall, East London, during the 1960's. Mad to Be Normal is a 2017 British drama film directed by Robert Mullan and written by Robert Mullan and Tracy Moreton. The film stars David Tennant, Elisabeth Moss, Gabriel Byrne, Michael Gambon, David Bamber, Olivia Poulet and Trevor White. David Tennant Mad To Be Normal, the biopic of famed high priest of antipsychiatry R. Laing, is set to close this year's Glasgow Film Festival, having its world premiere in the Scottish city on Feb. David Tennant will play Acid Marxist, R. D Lang in this movie adaptation Mad To Be Normal During the 1960s, a renegade Scottish psychiatrist courts controversy within his profession for his approach to the field, and for the unique community he creates for. Mar 03, 2017In UK cinemas April 6th! Starring David Tennant, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Gambon and Gabriel Byrne. Mad To Be Normal tells the story of worldrenowned Scotti Mad to be Normal is the story of controversial Scottish psychiatrist, R. Laing and the infamous antipsychiatry experiment he ran at Kingsley Hall a medicationfree. Mad to be Normal (Previously titled Metanoia) is the story of controversial Scottish psychiatrist, R. Laing and the infamous antipsychiatry experiment he ran at Kingsley Hall a medicationfree. The latest Tweets from Mad To Be Normal (@madtobenormal). The film about controversial, revolutionary Scottish psychiatrist R. Mad to Be Normal, the biopic about 1960s celebrity psychologist R. Laing that stars David Tennant and newly minted Emmy winner Elisabeth Moss, has been acquired by Samuel Goldwyn Films. Mad to Be Normal also suggests Kingsley Hall was forced to close in 1970 in response to thuggishly hostile locals and selfserving establishment doctors. Nov 06, 2017This past weekend, I had the opportunity to see the new film about the life of the 1960s counterculture psychiatrist R. David Bamber Elisabeth Moss Mad to Be Normal, about pioneering Scottish psychiatrist, also stars Michael Gambon and Elisabeth Moss Mad to Be Normal has 20 ratings and 0 reviews. Presents the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst R. Laing's own words about his life and work which was par Ghost in the Shell The Old Man and the Gun The Breakfast Club Chuck The Square Mad To Be Normal reveals the story of R. Laing, the famous psychiatrist and one of Scotland's greatest ever minds. Working out of Kingsley Hall in East London throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Laing performed various daring experiments on people who were diagnosed as mentally disturbed. Gabriel Byrne Something of Value Mad To Be Normal reveals the story of R. Laing, the famous psychiatrist and one of Scotland's greatest ever minds. Working out of Kingsley Hall in East London throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Laing performed various daring experiments on people who were diagnosed as mentally disturbed. How can the answer be improved. The Tomatometer rating based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics is a trusted measurement of movie and TV programming quality. Chew Feb 01, 2017The story of the controversial, yet revolutionary, Scottish psychiatrist R. Laing and the community he created in Kingsley Hall, East London during the. Apr 07, 2017Watch videoScenes from a life Elizabeth Moss and David Tennant in Mad to Be Normal. Photograph: GSP Studios Olivia Poulet The official site for the film Mad to Be Normal starring David Tennant, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Gambon and Gabriel Byrne. Mad to Be Normal (2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. From Hell The Seagull