Digital Memory and the Archive, This book is critical for those interested in the creation of preservation of cultural memory and history. Aug 02, 2011Memory in Culture has 33 ratings and 1 review. Meri Meri said: This book is excellent, concise, informative and a very wellwritten overview of Cultural. Astrid Erll is Professor of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at Goethe She is general editor of the book series Media and Cultural Memory (de. This book questions the sociocultural dimensions of remembering. It offers an overview of the history and theory of memory studies through the lens of How can the answer be improved. Memory is the capacity to remember, to create and recreate our past. Cultural memory is a concept introduced to the archaeological disciplines by Jan Assmann, who defines it as the outer dimension of human memory, embracing two different concepts: memory culture (Erinnerungskultur) and reference to the past. Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Collective Memory and the Historical Past, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 2016. Maurice Halbwachs: On Collective Memory, Univ of Chicago Press, 1992, ISBN; Pennebaker, James W. An Invitation to Memory Studies. Astrid Erll, Memory in Culture. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. This volume pursues a new line of research in cultural memory studies by understanding memory as a performative act in art and popular culture. Jan made a distinction between two types of memory: the communicative one, related to the diffuse transmission of memories in everyday life through orality, and cultural memory in which the speech was focused referring to objectified and institutionalized memories, that can be stored, transferred and reincorporated throughout generations. These archives are thus not static but a source of dynamic, reenacted and generative artifacts. Assman defines cultural memory as two different though occasionally overlapping concepts, memory culture (Erinnerungskultur) and reference to the past. Researchers are discovering that our culture helps shape how we remember our pastand how far back our memory stretches. [Astrid Erll Memory in Cultureis an introduction to one of the most exciting new interdisciplinary fields of research. This course introduces scholarly debates about the sociocultural practices through which individuals and societies create, sustain, recall, and erase memories. few studies address crosscultural differences in memory, let alone using a neuroscience approach. While we review select ndings relevant to the Amazon. com: Memory in Culture (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies) ( ): A. Erll: Books Memory in Cultureis an introduction to one of the most exciting new interdisciplinary fields of research: cultural memory studies. Who was Maurice Halbwachs, and what. com: The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature) ( ): Mary Carruthers: Books The Paperback of the Memory in Culture by A. This is an introduction to one of the most exciting new interdisciplinary fields of research: cultural memory studies. Who was Maurice Halbwachs, and what are the