The short, fascinating life of Eva Peron, the young wife of Argentine president Juan Peron, adored by the masses, intensely disliked by others. Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner Born out of wedlock, Eva, commonly known as Evita, In 1947, she set up the Maria Eva Duarte De Peron Welfare Foundation, which distributed money. Evita A few weeks before she died, Eva Peron rode next to her husband for his second inauguration as President of Argentina. Her cervical cancer, it is said, had rendered. Golda Meir Eva Doesn't Sleep Relationship with Juan Peron. Eva Duarte met Colonel Juan Pern at a charity event to raise funds for the victims of San Juan earthquake. From 1946 to 1952, Eva Pern (full name: Mara Eva Duarte de Pernthough she was born Eva Mara Ibarguren) was Argentinas First Lady. The Unhappiest Man in Town Eva Pern used her position as the first lady of Argentina to fight for women's suffrage and improving the lives of the poor. In her political career she was known as Eva Pern, or, She founded the Maria Eva Duarte de Peron Foundation in 1948. Briefly ran for vicepresident of Argentina. Juan Pern Organized for the recovery, historical investigation, and diffusion of the life and works of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron and her relevant contemporaries. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (May 7, 1919 July 26, 1952) was the second wife of Argentine President Juan Pern. Eva Peron served as Argentinas First lady from 1946 to 1952. Eva Peron or Evita became a powerful political figure with a large support base amongst the poor. Eva Mara Duarte was born into a small poor village, Los Toldos. When she was still a child she always knew she wanted to break out. Drama based on the life of Eva Peron, an obscure actress, who rose to become wife of Argentine strongman President Juan Peron and one of the most powerful figures in. While Juan Pern's Argentina allowed many Eva Pern's cadaver was removed from its she vowed to continue the legal battle to prove she was Peron's. Eva Pern was the second wife and political partner of President Juan Pern ( ) of After visiting the Eva Peron Museo in Buenos Aires. Fame in the 20th Century Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (Junn ou Los Toldos, Province de Buenos Aires [1, le 7 mai 1919 Buenos Aires, le 26 juillet 1952), mieux connue sous le nom d. Circus Cavalcade Eva Peron: Eva Pern, Argentine political figure who was a powerful leader during the first presidential term of her husband, Juan Pern. Che Guevara From 1945 to 1952, Eva Peron was the wife of Juan Peron, the most powerful man in Argentina. When she first met him, he was a general who seized the dictat Three years after Eva Peron's death 60 years ago, her embalmed corpse disappeared, removed by the Argentinian military in the wake of a coup that deposed her husband. Mara Eva Duarte de Pern (Los Toldos o Junn, [1 7 de mayo de 1919 Buenos Aires, 26 de julio de 1952), ms conocida como Eva Pern o Evita, fue una dirigente. Eva's autobiography, La Razn de mi Vida, contains no dates or references to childhood occurrences, and does not list the location of her birth or. Isabel Martnez de Pern