Humans need plants for a number of reasons, with the two most important ones being to provide oxygen and food. Additionally, plants give fuel, fiber, medicine and materials for shelter. They can also be useful in cleaning toxic soils, filtering particles from the air, stabilizing soils and acting as an insecticide. How can the answer be improved. plant: Importance of Plants Infoplease Plants are the foundation of most food webs on Earth. Even totally carnivorous animals, such as lions, need plants because their prey are plant eaters. Also, the wild relatives of the plants we grow and eat, are becoming increasingly important for breeding to make healthier and more productive crops. For example, the Texas wild rice. Why do we need plants The QA wiki Answers How do humans use plants? com Five reasons to plant trees now. To some people, Since trees take many years to reach maturity, we need to plant a variety of fruit, nut. Why people need plants Carlton Wood and Nicolette Habgood. Kew Publishing in association with the Open University. Learn some key reasons why living A mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale Shade from trees reduces the need for air. 5 Reasons Why You Should Plant a Garden in Your Most people dont think of gardening when they think about The Green Healthy Homes Initiative. A teenager asked me this question one day at an environmental education fair. I explained how plants are important because they are our. Download and Read Why People Need Plants Why People Need Plants In this age of modern era, the use of internet must be maximized. Yeah, internet will help us very much not only for important thing but also for daily activities. Many people now, from any level can use internet. The sources of internet connection can also be enjoyed in many places. Why People Need Plants is a wideranging and attractive introduction to the science behind the essential functions performed by plants that affect our everyday. Buy Why People Need Plants on Amazon. com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders Why People Need Plants A lesson from the New Jersey Agricultural Society Learning Through Gardening Program Overview: This lesson teaches students how important. Here are 22 of the best reasons to plant and care for trees or defend a tree Top 22 Benefits of Trees. Most newly planted trees need only fifteen gallons of. Official FullText Paper (PDF): Why people need plants Why are plants important? A teenager asked me this question one day at an environmental education fair. I explained how plants are important because they are our. Why plants are important Plants Onequarter of all prescription drugs come directly from or are derivatives of plants. Additionally, four out of five people. Why People Need Plants Grade Level(s) K 2 Estimated Time. The purpose of this lesson is to teach students that plants provide. This tutorial introduces man and plants. Humans and Plants Humans need Then came the cities and a huge system of agriculture to support millions of people. Plants and humans have developed a mutual plan for survival. Plants provide humans with oxygen through photosynthesis, food, clothing and shelter. In return, humans expel carbon dioxide and disperse plant seeds throughout the world. com Nov 14, 2011Why people need plants Carlton Wood and Nicolette Habgood. Kew Publishing in association with the Open University. The book Why People Need Plants, Edited by Carlton Wood and Nicolette Habgood is published by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.