Can you improve the answer. English, Jane (1984), Abortion and the Concept of a Person, in: The Problem of Abortion, . Feinberg, Joel (1984), Potentiality, Development, and Right, in: The Problem of Abortion, . Feinberg, Joel (1984), The Problem of Abortion, Belmont: Wadsworth. Gauthier, David (1986), Morals by Agreement, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Abortion access Part 1 of 2 parts: Glossary of terms about abortion or pregnancy that begin with letters A to L: Notes: Terms particularly those directly or indirectly related to religion should be used with great care. Otherwise because various groups define words differently. Looking for online definition of therapeutic abortion in the Medical Dictionary? therapeutic abortion explanation free. Defining Abortion The term abortion actually refers to any premature expulsion of a human fetus, whether naturally spontaneous, as in a miscarriage, or artificially induced, as in a surgical or chemical abortion. Today, the most common usage of the term abortion applies to artificially induced abortion, which is the subject of this pamphlet. Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage. An abortion may be caused purposely and is then called an induced abortion, or less frequently, induced miscarriage. Abortion, Medicine, and the Law. Wade: The Untold Story of the Landmark Supreme Court Decision that Made Abortion Legal. The Legitimization of Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research Under Roe v. By definition, a zygote is the combination of a sperm and ova, the joining of genetic material. Both the sperm and ova are alive The legalization of abortion. prochoice debate Abortion must not be legal according to To the extent that we do have anything approaching a scientific definition of. Abortion medical dictionary definition. The medical definition of abortion as defined Respect for human life originates with individuals acting according to. Chapter Four: Contraceptives Abortion. Islam allows birth control but forbids abortion. According to the The definition of the beginning of pregnancy is. Definition of abortion in the Legal Dictionary by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Definitions of abortion vary from one source to another. Abortion has many definitions that can differ from each other in significant ways. Given the contentious nature of abortion, lawmakers and other stakeholders often face controversy in defining abortion. According to both the scientific community and longstanding federal policy, specifically exclude contraceptives from their definitions of abortion. Sep 28, September 2017: According to a new study published in The Lancet, by authors from the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research, including HRP, and the. 1: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus; especially: the medical procedure of inducing expulsion of a human fetus to terminate a pregnancy. DEFINITION ESSAY ABORTION is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting. [1 An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced in humans and other species. The term abortion actually refers to any premature expulsion of a human fetus, whether naturally spontaneous, as in a miscarriage, or artificially induced, as in a. Definition of ABORTION: The artificial or spontaneous termination of a pregnancy before the embryo or foetus can survive on its own outside a woman's uterus. How can the answer be improved. Abortion definition, Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Publications and journal articles related to unsafe abortion including global and regional estimates of the incidence of unsafe abortion and associated mortality.