not all sociopaths i would imagine, are chaotic or aggressive. some are orderly to the point of obsession. this post was not meant for you to focus on hummus and palm hearts. Most psychopaths have comorbidities (and I guess that could well be the case with Sociopaths too. Read Sociopath's Obsession by V. SapphireLife, as I knew it, was over one year ago. I lost my family, my home and any support that came with. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Sapphire Life, as I knew it, was over one year ago. Romance, Sociopath, Sociopath's Obsession, V. Categories Power and obsessions Another form is having an obsession or an itch that can't be scratched. you don't embrace Sociopath or Psychopath. Sapphire Life, as I knew it, was over one year ago. I lost my family, my home and any support that came with it. Living in a crappy apartment with my roommate and. Revenge Obsession is a serious form of Vendetta Stalking, something typically done only by Sadists, Dark Triad, Malignant Narcissist, or Psychopath Cluster B. There're many traits of sociopath such as longterm pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. Learn all the signs and how to communicate. net become the property of Quantum Future Group, Inc and may be published without notice. Love addiction with a sociopath. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist, romantic love is an addiction. Your love becomes an obsession. Sociopaths have been estimated to be 5 to 15 of the population. They are in positions of power or want power. They are dedicated to making your life miserable, and we must be dedicated in understanding what makes them tick. They do have a Pattern and Practice. They all have patterns in behavior (red flags). Here's a summary of Common Everyday Sociopaths: 1. They make you feel sorry for them. They make you feel worried or afraid. Psychopaths only have an obsession when they want it to appear as if their behavior is based on an obsession. Many of the worst sociopaths are clearly obsessed at the sociopath's cost. And the very fact you said emotional triggers should have been the dead giveaway. Sociopaths Ten Tell Tale Signs charming, flattering, a sociopath will never be tongue tied or and they will involve themselves in that bordering on obsession. Sociopath's Obsession Kindle edition by V. Mason, Perfect Pear Creative Covers, Hot Tree Editing. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon. Obsession is one trait that many psychopathic people have a propensity for. Many who have been the target for such a situation do often report month long stalkings along with malicious phone calls and destruction of property. Life, as I knew it, was over one year ago. I lost my family, my home and any support that came with it. Living in a crappy apartment with my roommate and working two. Sep 02, 2014The sociopath wants control. They had control over you at one time and they intended on keeping control over you. So when you move on with your life, and no longer allow the sociopath. Violence towards those who wronged me was my only salvation and revenge. Nothing brought me greater pleasure than the pain and suffering I inflicted on my victims. If I were a better man, I would have left her alone and never made her part of my life. Loved your creativity Sociopath's Obsession was amazing. I reviewed it for our blog and must say I was very impressed. I hope I didn't offend you by some of the